Friday 25 April 2008

deformations, fractals, sops and chops

I've been researching 3 different displacement ways. Displacement through glass, cloth and bricks. The last one gave me some results today.

Based on point transformation caused by images on a grid i was able to feed this into a chopnet and play around with the values it gave me. I wanted more control over how the geometry actually got displaced. For every primitive I have a point which I can use in a for loop to be stamped upon the actual geometry to be displaced. Already procedural.

Next week (network's down for the weekend) I'll be looking into the other two methods of deformation and shoot test videos for the actual geo to be displaced upon. Researching different color and depth methods (extracting z-depth out of video). Hopefully, by the end of next week, I'll have a proof of concept combining both techniques (displacement and lightrigs)

A higher resolution video can be found here: CLICK

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